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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Scrutinous Mutation

I often ask at the onset of one's experience at CF Farmland a very simple question: "What do you get out of 'easy'?"  Confused looks, raised brows, and a slow jaw-dropping action follow as if a cog had just begun to start a chain of thought that had laid dormant for eons.
It seems as though without a way to express ourselves in a physical capacity, one which offers us a glimpse of our current physiological thresh-holds, we lose the mental intensity required for adaptation.  Lets be honest, mediocrity is par and exceptional performance, grasped by those who seemingly spend their lives devoted to pursuing excellence, is far and few between the masses.
Anyone can be mediocre, just show up - late even - do what's required, stay away from others who might need to ask you for help or worse yet, an original idea!  Get by, in sum.  Do what's easy.  Ambivalently wanting to be better in life but not willing to take a leap towards understanding what is holding you back.   Sounds like ignorance, rather, lack of thought and, denial.
Simple solution: Go the opposite direction.  Admittedly, this blog is biased, so I'll just say it.  You should CrossFit.  (I'll pause for those offended by me pushing my beliefs on them).  OK, the gasps have cleared.
CrossFit isn't a thing of purely physical acquisitions.  It involves becoming, for lack of a better term, "unfuckwithable".  Spawning inside your head a mindset that won't be broken long after the body has cried mercy.
Go the other way from easy and you just might find yourself surrounded by others doing the same.  These people will motivate you, and you will motivate them.  You will all be on a path of bar-raising and norm-crushing.  It will self-propel. Until one day you realize you have committed yourself to pursuing excellence and the masses are left behind to wonder "how?".  Your swaggering clique will propel you to set higher standards for yourself, and will make you accountable to the weaknesses that are exposed, never letting them be swept aside.
Start this process by setting goals.  Assess yourself.  I am: nervous, fearful, disciplined, anxious, overconfident, etc...  I need to be: calm, collected, intrinsically motivated, dedicated, etc....
Pick one goal.  Assess yourself.  Ask your clique to assess you.  Write down comparisons.  Look for what you've been missing from a bird's eye view in the vision of yourself so you can reset it.  Review your one goal.  Assess yourself.  Ask hard questions.  Find that weakest link.  Expose the shit out of it.  How can you train it?  How can you make it better?  Assess yourself.  Ask your clique to assess you.  Review the goal.  Is it better yet?

This isn't complicated, it's simple.  You must be focused.  You must be steadfast and unwavering with your pursuit of achieving the one goal.

Before anyone chimes in I usually answer myself, "Nothing.  You get NOTHING out of 'easy'."  Getting better is simple.  Not easy.

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