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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CrossFit Prescription - Apply liberally.

I read this quote by Francis Ford Coppola recently,
"I was never afraid of risks. I always had a good philosophy about risks. The only risk is to waste your life, so that when you die, you say, “Oh, I wish I had done this.” I did everything I wanted to do, and I continue to."

As you read this think for a moment about your daily life.  Start with something simple, say, your morning commute.  Is it the same route day after day?  Do you drive, ride a bike, or walk?  Does it affect your state of mind in a positive or negative way?  Do you even know or are you on Auto-pilot?

As a CrossFitter and affiliate owner I have taken the model past the point of constantly changing movements, loads, time domains, etc... and have tried to see what the model could do when applied generally across all aspects of my life.  Constant variance.  It breeds perspective to say the least.

You might find it rejuvenating to apply the same principal to your life.  As you head to work tomorrow, consider the possibilities.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"The Look"

For three years I have been on the receiving end for hundreds, maybe thousands, of "looks".  Not a passing head nod, but more of a "scrunched-brow, veins-trying-to-escape-the-neck, corners-of-the-mouth-pulled-back-to-the-ears-with-agony" types of look.   Somewhere short of absolute commitment, but well beyond the point of no return, everyone has a stare creep across their face which seemingly manifests as they reach the pinnacle of their current physical and psychological thresholds.

How they got to that point is erroneous, but what happens WHEN they reach that point is what is fascinating, and very telling, of humans and their nature.  The eyes reflect the strength of the soul, and with it the mindset, attitude, belief systems, etc., so on and so forth of each individual.

As a CrossFit coach this is extremely useful information.  You can, in a very real sense, see inside somebody and whether or not they have it in them to push past their current abilities to achieve more, be more, and do more work faster.  

This is also very potent knowledge when you are the athlete.  Check out a local CrossFit Gym and watch the guy loading up the bar in the squat rack with more iron than the Eiffel Tower.  I bet you his eyes are narrow, focused, and raging with determination.  

The next time you are somewhere short of your goal and the body starts to cry mercy, what will your eyes say?