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Saturday, December 1, 2012

MIA 2012

I've been training all year.  I've got scars to prove it.  Numbers this year are bigger than last; everything is still moving in the direction planned.  Still focused.  Coffee and squats daily.  Sometimes more.  

The days are coming faster and faster.  And I seem to catch the sun at the same point on the horizon each night, although the time it happens keeps changing, quickly.  The nights occupy more than I'd like them to.

Constantly reminded that there is no time to remain stagnant.  Forcing some growth - personally, professionally, spiritually, physically - must happen now.  Change is coming.

I've been away from blogging as setting up the framework for our rapidly expanding community has been an all-consuming task to say the least.  Fear not, the coffee never gets a chance to get cold. 

As it turns out, my best friend Mike has gone and joined Uncle Sam in the quest to defend our Country.  I am proud of him.  He is a man who takes great care to which actions he takes, and this one, the greatest to date.   

He and I have been C&Sing since the beginning, and to continue on without him here will be a great challenge.  I will miss most his quiet creativity, and unyielding energy.  And although I am feeling a bit as though a sinkhole is under me and that there is no time to get to safety, I know he will be fulfilled as this is his dream, and with that he has my utmost respect and support.  

I wish him the very best, as I know he will emerge as a leader and courageous warrior where ever it is he ends up.   

I would hate to be hunted by him, that's for sure.  

Where it all began in the driveway.