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Friday, June 15, 2012


Setting a personal agenda is one of the most basic and important tasks on the path to becoming someone who can stand on their own two feet and explicitly describe who they are what they believe.  The best way I have found to be able to get started is by asking hard questions and answering them honestly.  Try these for starters:

What would I do if I didn't have to work for money?

What makes me happy?

What are my goals?

Am I contributing positively in some way?

What is my self-image?

What do I want to accomplish this day, month, year?

What do I spend my time on?

Do I work hard enough?

Do I work smart enough?

Do I work on the right things?

Do I work on doing things right?

Am I falling victim to the status quo?

Am I passionate and what about?

Who is it that I spend my time with?

Who should I be spending my time with?

How often do I ask myself hard questions?

One of my favorite intangible benefits to consistently doing hard workouts is the fact that it forces you to take a brutally honest look at the worth of things.  At the efforts involved and how you could have done better with different planning and actions.

Is my time better spent sleeping or taking shots off of a young co-ed's chest?  Depends on how bad you want to suffer, I suppose.

Has goals.
Has herpes.

This non-exhaustive list should get you going.  Feel free to comment on others I may have missed.