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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Going for it.

The deep end is way more exciting than the kiddie pool.  Cliff jumping really takes the fun out of the pool.  Skydiving dwarfs the cliff.  Anyone who's been to space could tell Sir Edmund Hillary he was thinking inside the box.

Perspective is an essential ally in the game of life, business, and pleasure.  However, it is usually only offered up as the after you've taken the leap onto a broader plane.

Lots of times you might not even know you're boxed in until it smacks you right in the nose.  Then there's the lightbulb.

That's why dreaming is so cool.  Better yet, day dreaming (think of this stuff as putty!).
No limits.  No boxes.  No sense of time or deadlines or limited resources.  Just think it.
Do it with your WOD.  200 Double-Unders in one stretch, why not?
Do it with your personal time.  Teach your friends how to squat and eat right?  You bet!
Do it.   The perspective will cause a paradigm shift where you no longer believe in your old limitation.
You'll no longer want the old perspective because the new one gets you more of what you want at a faster rate.
In time you might spend entire afternoons reading, wondering, testing ideas, talking with people with similar interests.  You might even find that lightbulbs can go off on top of other lightbulbs.  Maybe someone had your idea first, and now you can be the first follower.

Right now I'm seeing entire communities doing burpees, patting each other on the back, and genuinely supporting each other outside of the gym.  It causes a shift in the local economy because people are starting to pay attention to what they eat, how they eat it, and where they buy it.  It shifts the majority of the local attention off of the bar scene, and onto a performance plane where adults are treated and act like such because they hold themselves accountable 5-6 days a week at a local gym.  Kids are sprinting out of driveways where bumpers are still bouncing as they race to finish first in back-alley throw-downs.  Parents and kids and pets all pay tribute together then relax and enjoy local arts and support commerce.

Change is coming.  Dream it up, and go for it.

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